Lesson One - Opening to Wholeness, Love and Compassion

Lesson 1: Opening to Wholeness, Love and Compassion

Welcome. We’ve packed this interactive multimedia experience with a lot of love. The supportive goodness you’ll find here is a pathway to open to your self and your very precious life.

The purpose of the this offering is to guide you to do the introspective work you need to do so you can heal your past, open your heart, and experience wholeness, love and compassion. This is soulful work. The kind of self-inquiry and energetic shift that deserves deep reflection and recovery.

When each one of us choose to heal ourselves, we invite a profound shift in loving kindness and compassion for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world. When you experience compassion and trust, you feel whole. You are at home in your body, and you enjoy a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

Throughout this experience, you will discover how to recognize (and end) patterns of self-abuse and self-sabotage. You will learn to uncover shame and let go of what no longer serves you. You will open to yourself, wipe the mirror clean and begin to celebrate the truth of your divinity.

We created the content based on our own sacred healing process and personal transformation over the past twenty years.

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